If you say "I told him about you", then pick "Why not?", you'll get no Morality Points.If you say "I told him about you", then pick "You're a criminal", you'll get +2 Paragon Points but no credits.If you accept Mallene's task, but then immediately tell Vargas "An Asari asked me to spy", you can then return to Mallene and say for the following outcomes:.If you accept Mallene's task, try to stall Vargas, but are exposed, then you won't get any rewards when you return to Mallene.If you accept Mallene's task, but then before talking to Vargas tell her you've changed your mind by picking "I quit", you'll end the Assignment early for +2 Paragon Points.If you pick "This is illegal" followed by "That's no excuse", you'll sternly turn Mallene down, ending the Assignment early for +8 Paragon Points, but no XP since you technically didn't do anything.With all that out of the way, here's the various different ways the Assignment can be concluded:

While all that sounds complicated, the short explanation is this: if you use either the first or second pair of Persuasion options, you'll stall Vargas long enough and the virus upload will complete.Each pair of Persuasion options requires progressively more and more Charm / Intimidate points to pick, but any of them will successfully stall Vargas for a bit if you pick them.Picking "Goodbye" will have Shepard "take a call", but unless they got a bleep from Mallene's device, you must resume talking to Vargas to fulfill her request.If you pick them for the first and second stages of the conversation, Vargas will catch on to Shepard and leave. The options on the right-hand side will be insufficient to convince Vargas that Shepard is genuinely interested.After the initial "That's correct" / "That's irrelevant", you'll go through three stages of the conversation: you must pass at least one in order to stall Vargas long enough for the virus upload to complete.The idea here is for Shepard to feign interest in Binary Helix's services, which means you must use Persuasion choices to express knowledge of the subject so that Vargas believes you.If you decide to fool Vargas, here's how the actual "hold the floor" section with him works: However you only get Paragon points for never accepting her task in the first place. You can decide to refuse Mallene at any time, even after you've talked to Vargas.To begin the conversation with Vargas, have Shepard tell him they're either a marine or a Spectre, then pick "I am" or "if the price is right".

The Vargas conversation is all about holding his attention while feigning interest in the services of Binary Helix, so that Mallene's virus uploads will complete.